Tryten Technologies, a leading physical computer security provider, is introducing a Mac Mini Security Mount with the adaptability of a security cable. Tryten's innovative Mac Mini Mount can now be fastened with a variety of security cable options as an alternative to permanently mounting the Mac Mini to a workspace or monitor.
Tryten’s innovative Mac Mini Mount design boasts a LockBar with a high security, seven pin pick-resistant lock. The LockBar can now be secured with a Kensington style security slot cable or with one of Tryten’s other versatile cable kits, instead of being permanently attached to a workspace or monitor. These cable mounting options enable the customer to use products within the same master-key group they may already be employing. The cable mounting option saves the workstation from being altered if this is a concern, and also allows the end user to maneuver the Mac Mini as needed. The open design of the Tryten Mac Mini Mount provides easy access to all peripheral connections and the disk slot, and maintains optimal WiFi and Bluetooth communications. Whether fastened permanently to any workplace location or secured with a Tryten Security Cable, the refined yet rugged Mac Mini Mount offers convenient adaptability to your workplace configuration.
About Tryten
For nearly twenty years Tryten Technologies Inc. has worked closely with organizations from around the world to develop physical computer security solutions that best adapt to each unique environment. Our innovative and timely product offerings are developed through relationships with an impressive range of technology and Fortune 500 companies, as well as through dealings with the government, healthcare and educational sectors. At Tryten, we recognize the unique challenges that organizations face when securing highly sensitive information and equipment. The Tryten Solutions Team is trained to assimilate cutting-edge technologies in order to fully secure your valuable equipment in any location. For more information, please visit: http://var/www/