Mclean County Unit District No. 5, a unit school district in McLean County, Illinois, recently concluded their search for a security provider for their mac minis and laptops.
Tryten was selected to provide our simple, reliable, and secure Mac Mini Mounts in addition to Laptop Locks.
About Tryten's Mac Mini Mount
The Mac Mini is a small giant that packs the entire Mac experience into a 7.7-inch-square frame. Because of its small form factor the Mac mini is vulnerable to loss, damage, and theft. Tryten created the Mac Mini Security Mount to minimize, if not eliminate, these very risks.
About Tryten's Laptop Locks
Tryten brand laptop locks are manufactured to the highest industry quality standards and come in a variety of locking options and cable thicknesses. No matter what scenario you may be facing, we can lock it securely and within budget. We pride ourselves in being able to help you keep all of your locks, combinations and keys easy to manage.